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Schedule Meeting

How can I schedule a meeting?

Set a date and time for a video chat with up to 14 other event participants. This makes it a convenient communication tool, allowing both you and other participants to find the best time for a video chat.

Scheduling a meeting is always possible through the Schedule section of the Communication center.

Various other ways to schedule a meeting are at your disposal as well: via the participant’s personal profile page, by clicking on their profile. You can even request a meeting with a staff member of an exhibitor via their profile.

Once you click on the meeting button, you will have a pop-up window to enter all the necessary info: meeting name, date, start and end time, location (if applicable), and timezone.

Meetings can take the form of individual or group calls with up to 15 participants. Screen sharing is included with audio/video calls. All communication can be done spontaneously or by appointment (calendar function).

The calendar can be exported (e.g. to Outlook).

A traffic light system (red, yellow, green, gray) visualizes whether your counterpart can be reached.

There are two types of meeting locations:

Stand - you can search for a location by a company or stand name and select the appropriate stand and company to determine the exact location for the meeting in the hall plans.

Custom - you can enter the location description in free text format if the location isn’t a stand that can be found in the hall plans.

Below that, you have the People invited section that shows participants you’ve already included in the meeting request. The participants are displayed with their profile image and name; you can remove them from the request, or add other participants.

Once you’ve set the date and added one or more participants to the meeting, you will see a Show availability button. The Show availability button lets you see the availability of all participants you’ve added to the meeting, including yourself.

The time slots where a participant is unavailable will be marked in gray.

Additionally, you can write a note to the participants that will be shown with the request. Then just click on the Send invite button.

Alternatively, you can cancel the request by clicking on the appropriate buttons. Finally, you can export the meeting in ICS format using the Export meeting button.

Editing and joining a meeting

It’s important to note that only the meeting organizer, the participant who sent the meeting request, is the only person who can edit the meeting.

Once you’ve sent a meeting request, it will show up in the Confirmed tab of the Schedule section in the Communication center.

Please keep in mind:

If no appointments can be made, it may be due to networking. This must be switched on and also to create an appointment yourself. Not only to get appointments

If you come directly to the platform via the ticket shop redirection after purchasing a ticket, networking is automatically deactivated.

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