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General overview

How can I access the CMS Plus online platform?

Via the CMS website, you should be redirected to the CMS Plus platform with just one click:

How can I register on the CMS Plus platform?

Log in to CMS Plus with your E-Mail address:

You will then receive a login code by e-mail. Please also check your spam folder.

If you do not wish to log in each time, we recommend that you save the page under Favorites after successfully logging in.

Please note that there is no password option.

You can log out from your communication center on the right side under settings. The logout button is marked in red:

Where can I find the interactive hall plan?

The interactive hall plan shows in which areas of the exhibition grounds the exhibitors are located and facilitates planning.

The hall plan can be found on the website, on CMS Plus and in the app.

What are the technical requirements?

To login in to the platform, you should consider:

  • PC or laptop

  • stable standard Internet connection

  • headset (recommended)

Before logging in to the digital event platform, you can run the system check offered on the site and check if everything is working.

Before logging in to the digital event platform, you can run the system check offered on the site and check whether everything is functional.

For a smooth start, we recommend visiting the digital event platform in advance and have completed the profile and familiarize yourself with the functions of the event platform.

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