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The CMS Plus online platform of CMS Berlin

Prepare your visit to the congress efficiently now by creating a personal profile on the community platform CMS Plus free of charge and get in touch with exhibitors, trade visitors and speakers in the run-up to the congress.

✓ Use the digital interactive options to optimally prepare your appearance at the CMS.

✓ Find interesting contacts in the run-up to the event and set appointments for the event - or beyond.

✓ Scroll through recommended personal profiles of applicants and make a selection of interesting candidates for a personal approach on site at the CMS.

✓ Communicate directly with personal contacts using the integrated video call and chat functions.

✓ Present your products and innovations within the complete spectrum of digital possibilities.

✓ Use the reach of the CMS Plus platform, which goes beyond the boundaries of the exhibition center into the digital world, to place your brand - before and during CMS and the following 365 days.  

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