How can I make sure that my Networking is activated?
Here's how:
Go to your communication center (on the right side of the page).
Click on your profile picture.
Click on "General settings" and activate the "Networking" button (green):
In your personal area, you can also specify whether you want to be "visible", that is, to be contacted by other users.
How can I start networking? What options do I have?
The most important thing for the optimal use of the CMS Plus platform is the creation of your own free network profile with your photo, information about your company/institution. In your personal area you can also determine whether you are "visible", i.e. whether you want to be contacted by other users.
Relevant: based on the interests of the participants in the personal profile.
Find new people: here the contact circle can be enlarged accordingly to find contacts of the contacts and thus potential relevant business partners. In addition, there is the possibility to filter specifically for exhibitors and participants inside.
My connections: here you can see all participants with whom you have already networked.
Lead finder: how can I find potential business partners that are relevant for me?
In the personal networking profile, you can enter detailed information about your own area of expertise and assign yourself to the appropriate interests. About the interests there will be a match making in the networking area.
The Lead Finder will help you find contacts based on what you offer/search.
How can I save favorites?
Via the ⭐ icon you have the possibility to favorite all relevant exhibitors, speakers, products, exhibitor news as well as job advertisements.
You can then find these under "Start" →:
By downloading contacts, you can export your own list of contacts. You can find your favorite contacts in your communication center (on the right) under "People":
What other options do I have to connect?
Each user has the possibility to get in touch with all participants, speakers or company representatives via audio/video calls or chat.
Meetings can take the form of individual or group calls with up to 15 participants. Screen sharing is included with audio/video calls. All communication can be spontaneous or by appointment (calendar function):
The calendar can be exported (e.g. to Outlook).
A traffic light system (red, yellow, green, gray) visualizes whether your counterpart can be reached. The "do not disturb" function ensures that everyone can move around the platform without being disturbed, as people in this status cannot be contacted.
How can I get info about another participant?
When you are connected to a participant, you can also view their contact information. After you have successfully connected, it is also possible to download the contact information.
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