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Interface - Settings

Navigation Bar- what are the symbols for?

The navigation bar is always located on the left side of each page of the CMS Plus Platform and can be expanded or collapsed. It enables quick and easy navigation:

The navigation bar is collapsed by default. You can expand it by clicking the corresponding button (three horizontal lines) ☰ at the top of the bar. You can then collapse it again by clicking this button once more.

The navigation buttons take you to the various pages of the CMS Plus platform.

When the navigation bar is expanded, icons and the names from the pages are displayed on the buttons.

When the navigation bar is collapsed, these pages are represented only by icons. The names of the pages are then only displayed when you point the mouse cursor at an icon.

You can get to a page by clicking on the corresponding icon.

The following navigation buttons are available:

Start: This is the home page of the CMS Plus platform.

Companies: Here you will find the exhibitor/product directory. You also have the option of filtering by individual product groups. You will also find press releases and job offers here.

Networking: Based on the interests you have indicated in your personal profile, networking suggestions will be given to you here, new contacts can be actively searched for here as well as your current connections will be displayed.

Lead finder: Here you can find matching business partners as participants based on your own interests.

Program: Under this item you will find the program that will take place on site.

Hall plan: here all exhibitors are published according to hall and stand.

Support: Under this point you will get to the support for the CMS Plus platform, which will be at your disposal in case of questions.

Communication center: how can I use it?

The "Communication Center" (👤) is always accessible via a bar on the right side of the screen and is available to you on every page. You can expand or collapse the bar by clicking at the bottom right:

The functions are from left to right:



Meeting schedule



You can access these functions by clicking on the corresponding icons at the top right of the bar.

These icons are also displayed in the communication center when the bar is collapsed.

If you click the unfold button at the bottom of the bar, the communication center will unfold and display the last used section. If you click on a specific icon, the communication center will unfold and show you the associated section.

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