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Email notifications

Email notifications are part of the online digital platforms of the Messe Berlin.

You can receive E-Mail notification because of:


Login token

Welcome and onboarding message


Meeting request: The Meeting request email is sent to meeting attendees when the meeting organizer sends them a meeting request

Meeting accepted: The Meeting accepted email notification is sent to meeting organizers when a meeting attendee accepts their meeting request

Meeting declined: The Meeting declined email notification is sent to meeting organizers when a meeting attendee declines their meeting request

Meeting updated: The Meeting updated email notification is sent to meeting attendees when the meeting organizer updates a meeting they’ve already accepted

Meeting canceled: The Meeting canceled email notification is sent to meeting attendees when the meeting organizer cancels a meeting they’ve already accepted


Contact request

Share exhibitor contact details, speakers info, or live-sessions.

Company or team added

Show interest

Staff added as contacts on the company profile

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