Content Manager - Exhibitor Directory - Company Profile
Please note that you can access the Content Manager on the online platform on your company page. The main contact person specified during stand registration can also find the Content Manager in the Advertising Shop.
Please use the same E-Mail address that you have already used for stand registration, this enables the automatic matching between your company and user profile. First, you should edit your company profile and start by filling the company details via the link to your Content Manager.

The Exhibitor List is visible and accessible to all on the official website under “Visit”. There you can print a PDF document with the exhibiting companies. It is also possible to easily search for exhibitors and industries. By clicking on the print icon, you can download a list of exhibitors as a PDF document. The bookmark icon helps you to mark exhibitors as favorites.
A short version of your company profile is presented in the exhibitor list. All information contained there can be customized and updated via the Content Manager.
All information contained there can be customized and updated via the Content Manager. A full version of your company profile will be displayed on the digital platform.